[en] [slave-male] Toxxic Diaries: Mistress’ toy

Around 11 PM that evening, you suddenly received my message… “Pick me up. Now!” You didn’t hesitate much. With a quick movement, you grabbed your shoes and jacket. You got dressed and went to pick me up. You drove fast to get there as soon as possible… It was late and to be fair, you didn’t expect to be called to serve the Mistress at this time. With curiosity, you drove forward, one hand on the wheel and the other sending me a report of your location…

When you arrived at the address, I was already waiting for you in front of the building, so you hurriedly ran out of the car immediately after stopping on the driveway…
– Here you go Mistress – you said humbly and opened the car door for me. I nodded my head in approval and got inside. Night reigned over the city, and the road in front of us was dark…
– You have a GPS? – I asked you sharply.
– I have it, Mistress, just say where we need to go.

I gave you the address of the house I used as a dungeon. When you typed, you looked at me with a look full of fear and excitement, asking for approval. I spat right in your face as a sign that you typed well. Spit was running down your face as you remained motionless, waiting for my command…
– You can lick – I added with a smile and watched as you chased my saliva with your tongue…

When you licked everything, I put a leather necklace around your neck. Leaving little room for breathing, I tied it firmly. To the metal ring on the front of the collar, I attached a chain and spat in your face again and said:
– Drive. – You nodded your head and turned to the steering wheel and hit the gas. My spit was dripping from your cheek, but you didn’t care. You were focused on carrying out my orders…

[en] [slave-male] Toxxic Diaries: Mistress' toy

I took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. With a long exhale, the smoke filled the space around us. You looked at me out of the corner of your eye. Nobody ever lit a cigarette in your car… Fiercely, I blew smoke in your face, knowing that breaking the rules of your car bothered you. I wanted to humiliate you even more, let you know that now only my rules apply…
– Open your mouth – I said arrogantly, and you listened to me. I brought the cigarette to your lips and put the ash on your tongue. Your mouth, I covered with my hand and said: – Swallow.

My voice was calm, determined and it was sending shivers down your spine. You let out a soft grunting sound, and turned your head towards me. Before you could ask permission not to swallow, I spat in your mouth, which you opened in an attempt to speak. My move surprised you and you closed your mouth dumbly, you swallowed and continued driving. I treated you like a little thing with no rights. It brought to my excitement. I noticed how you stiffened in your crotch at my spitting. Your patheticness honestly made me laugh. Boner in your underwear because of the spit on your face. I wanted to play with you. I took off my shoes and put my feet on the side of the car. I noticed your gaze that escaped to my bare foot. I turned my back to the shaft and rotated my body to put my legs in your lap…
– I want you to be calm, I don’t want you to speak, I don’t want you to move, your eyes will be on the road – I ordered…
– Yes Mistress.
– If you look away, if you move… – I interrupted the sentence and pressed my heel on your balls. My grip became tighter and eventually it became painful. You knew what would happen if you didn’t last the rest of the ride…
– I understand – you said like a soldier, focused on the mission…

I moved my feet in your lap. I could feel your cock getting harder under my feet…

I leaned against the door and lifted my skirt up to my waist, unbuttoning the halter stockings and thongs. I raised my foot and ran it across your face, stopping at your nose before lowering it back into your lap. I pulled you by the collar chain, lightly, just enough to let you know that you are mine. The hand went over my thigh to my crotch. I ran my fingers over the thong. They were wet. With my fingers, I lifted the fabric and pushed into myself, finger by finger, letting out a soft moan…

[en] [slave-male] Toxxic Diaries: Mistress' toy

You fought not to look towards the seat next to you. Your breathing became shallow and strained. I thrusted my fingers into myself rhythmically, and moved on the seat. Your crotch served as my support and I kicked you in the balls with pleasure. The blows were not too strong, more like jerks in a rush of excitement, but the pain would be sharper with each new blow. Your pain was my pleasure… I rubbed my clit lustfully, watching your painful face, which you try to keep calm. I spread my legs higher, placing one foot on your mouth and leaving the other on your crotch. I pressed harder with my heel to position it better, which caused you additional pain. But the smell of my feet calmed you down. You took a deep breath to absorb all the smells from my pantyhose while I was still gently rubbing next to you…

After a longer ride, staying away from the crowded streets, we arrived at a house on the hill. As we got out of the car, you threw yourself onto the ground, on your knees…
– On all four! – I commanded and you obeyed… – Your sight was focused on the floor as I pulled your collar, signaling you to stand next to my leg like a good bitch. You were following my footsteps as we approached the entrance. As we stepped into the rustic house, I closed the door behind us. You stood motionless in fear… – Take off your clothes – I ordered. You unbuttoned your shirt and threw it on the floor, then did the same with your pants. You only stayed in boxers, still looking at the floor… I approached you and pulled your boxers down, revealing your erect cock… Immediately, I burst out laughing…
– What is this? A handful of misery – I laughed crouching in front of your exposed cock… – What would you do with that? It’s not even enough to scratch me – I mocked you… I spat on your dick and slapped you on it with my hand. Shame overcame you… – Women’s panties are more suitable for that – I said decisively and got up and stood in front of you. Slowly, I took off the skirt and with it the thongs…

Your gaze escaped to my naked pussy that was tempting you. Knowing you do not have permission, you looked away fast, but not fast enough. I slapped you on the face with all my might…
– Sorry Mistress – you knew you were wrong…
– Silence bitch – I ordered, unbuttoning my bra. Playfully, I threw it at you and you caught it like a dog who’s master threw him a ball…

[en] [slave-male] Toxxic Diaries: Mistress' toy

I was left only in leggings and halters. The cold air shivered my body and made my nipples stiff…
– Get dressed – I told you harshly… You pulled on my thong and bra. The panties were very tight and cut into your skin… I started laughing out loud at you. – You look like a fucking slut, how can you please me girl? – I asked sarcastically…
– I could… I could put my tongue to work for you – you said and I smirked…

I took you by the leash and led you towards the bed. At the edge of the bed, I stopped and made my way upstairs, exposing myself and hurting you more in the process…
– I need an orgasm, but I doubt that you know how to satisfy a woman with that tongue. You will suck my ass while I satisfy myself, and then you will drive me back before my roommates wake up. – I said and pulled you by the collar…
– Of course, Mistress, it will be as you ask – you said and extended your tongue towards my ass. It was wet from the juices that soaked me. You licked in circles, watching for my reaction. With my face on the bed, and my butt in the air, I started touching myself…

I pulled you closer to me with the leash, pushing your head deeper between my cheeks. You took it as a sign that you were doing well, so you continued… You felt humiliated, in the middle of the night, at some far away house, in women’s underwear, forced to lick my ass on a chain while I satisfied myself. You knew you were miserable, that you didn’t even deserve more. You were grateful that I treated you to a clean butt, because a worm like you deserves to serve as toilet paper…

Orgasm took over my body and I stretched out on the bed in pleasure. After all, it was such a stressful day. I turned around and saw you still on your knees, head down. My juices were dripping from your lips. The scene made me laugh. But I wanted to finish you off…
– Give me back my laundry – I ordered… – You undressed and carefully arranged everything on the bed, staying exposed in front of me… – Lie with your back to the floor.

dominatrix pissing into slave+s mouth

You obeyed and laid down…

I got up from the bed and came to your head. I stepped in front of you. Your gaze was now directed directly at my wet pussy, still hot from the orgasm. I crouched right next to your mouth…
– Open your mouth – I added under my breath, excited… – Aah – I moaned, letting a stream of piss into your mouth. Warm liquid flooded your face and mouth. You swallowed my juices, humbly and thirstily… When I left the last drop in your mouth, I went lower on your mouth… – Wipe me – I said and you started licking every drop from my pussy with your tongue… Satisfied, I got up and got dressed. I threw the clothes at you without letting go of the chain… – Get dressed, you’re driving me home.

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