[en] [she-blackmailed] She Fucked a Stranger in a Gym, All the Time Having a Butt-Plug In Her Ass


To her surprise and, to some extent confusion, her discussion with Angus this morning had cleared her head a lot. She understood that while she had offered herself to be used and objectified, she was still a willing participant. Inasmuch as being intimidated or even a little scared was an appealing part of the game, it was comforting to know that her housemates seemed to understand it was a game, one with rules even if those rules were sometimes unspoken, and that pushing too far to upset the balance would end the game early.

Of course, now that her spirits had lifted and she was left to her own devices for the day, she was left with a maddening amount of free time. Angus had deliberately – the bastard – left her in a state of frustration and then expressly forbidden her to do anything about it. She was also tired of oversleeping and every waking minute being filled with sex. There was slightly more to life. So, she cleaned.

Throwing on an old light dress and some comfortable slip on shoes she set about cleaning. With the butt-plug in place, her underwear didn’t suit quite right so after experimentally trying a pair on she changed her mind and kicked them back off. Her dress was in a backless style where the front was mainly two wide strips of material that covered her breasts and tied in a knot behind her back, and the skirts came to about her knees.

Normally she was lazy about housework but now that she had some free time and a lot of energy, she felt like doing something about it. She proceeded to put away her clothing and make her room more presentable since she was entertaining visitors on the regular. After a trips to the bin to get rid of random garbage that had accumulated she set about dusting and vacuuming, though she opted to leave the other bedrooms alone – she was their sex slave, not their maid.

Every step caused the butt-plug to move around inside her and made her think about the ben wa balls she had hidden in an old lunchbox under her bed, and how amazing they would feel right now, but she had to forcefully push those thoughts aside. If she went down that rout she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from doing something about her mounting sexual frustration. So instead she attended to the housework she had been neglecting. After vacuuming she gave the bathroom a cursory once over, feeling vulnerable and drifting into a daydream about one of the guys sneaking up and surprising her from behind as she bent over the tub to give it a quick once over. She dismissed the thought and focused on wiping down the tub so it was sparkling again. Once she wiped down the tiles and was stinking thoroughly of chlorine bleach she brought out the mop and bucket to attend to the floors in the kitchen and bathroom.

Finally, feeling sweaty from exertion, she put all the cleaning stuff away and seeing it was barely after 11, pondered what to do next. Really the only thing that sprang to mind was the grocery shopping and it would be good to get out of the house for a while. Grabbing her purse and the shopping list from the fridge, she hunted down the elusive envelope everyone put their contributions to the grocery money and stuffed it in her wallet before stepping outside. Usually the communal groceries were purchased every few days and the supermarket was in walking distance, so she generally forewent using her car for short trips.

girl wothout panties but with a butt-plug

She was halfway to the supermarket before the first strong breeze swirled up her dress and reminded her she was walking around without underwear on. The skirt of the dress only just came to the knee and when the wind caught up it is immediately billowed out until she slapped it back down. She stopped walking and frantically looked up and down the street for witnesses. She didn’t think she’d exposed herself, but it certainly made her realize she might have. She had been aware of the butt-plug when she made the decision to walk, of course, having it there only served to make her more frustrated with every step, but she’d completely forgotten that she lacked that extra layer of modesty when the weather and her dress conspired against each other. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be anyone else in the street. Being the middle of the week and the middle of the day, most people were at work so there were fewer people hanging around in residential neighborhoods to bear witness to, well, anything.

She decided to keep going – turning back to change into something more secure and modest would be a waste of time. Not that she was in a huge hurry, but she didn’t feel like doubling the length of her trip. She walked carefully the rest of the way, worried that walking too quickly might be asking for trouble, and kept one hand swinging loosely by her side, ready to snap into action if her skirts caught a guest of wind again. She cutting down a narrow laneway next to the market building when the wind struck again. She immediately snapped her arms to her sides to hold her skirt in place but an appreciative whistle from behind her told her she hadn’t been fast enough and her face flushed with embarrassment. She turned around and gave a sarcastic smile to a couple of guys she hadn’t realized were behind her. If she had to guess, they were probably in their late teens, probably skipping school. Then she looked down at the ground and realized that her purse strap had become unbuckled and it had fallen on the ground, a couple of items falling out. Conscious of her predicament, she very carefully squatted to scoop her contents back into her purse and was about to stand up when a shadow loomed over her.

Looking up she realized she had one of the teens either side of her, positively leering, and suddenly felt very stupid. She slowly rose to her feet intending to just walk into the supermarket where they wouldn’t follow her but the closer of the two stepped in front of her to block her from going in that direction as he scanned her up and down, looking at her dress.

– What’s a cute girl like you doing wandering around like that, no bra, no undies? – he drawled, calling her “girl” seemed insulting, but she had to admit he had the male advantage of being taller and of a bigger build.
– Leave me alone – She said firmly.
– Leave her alone, she reckons – The boy laughs looking over her shoulder at his friend behind her. – Not unless you give us another peek at what’s under that dress.

Tegan was rattled. Surely the area couldn’t be this deserted, but this laneway didn’t have good visibility from the street and she was dead in the middle of it. She didn’t dare take her eyes off the boy to look around for help but she didn’t know what to do. She tried the assertive tactic again.

– I said back off – She glared at him, trying to seem tough. The boy put his hands up in mock surrender.
– Ok, ok, sorry. I’ll back off… – suddenly he lunged and snatched her broken purse out of her hand and danced back a few steps – …but how will I give you your stuff back?

tits under the red dress

Tegan lunged in a panic but suddenly his friend had his arms hooked under hers from behind and laced his fingers behind her head, locking her in place. She tried to struggle but all she could manage was a slight side to side movement with her arms out to the sides. She tried stamping on her captor’s foot but the way he was holding her prevented her from putting any significant impact on the ground.

– Let me go! – she screamed – This is assault!
– What d’you mean? I’m just trying to return your purse – The boy smirked as he stepped in close to her, trying to grab the hem of her skirt. She kicked at his hand, driving him back again. After a few unsuccessful attempts at grabbing her skirt, the boy behind her suddenly let her go. She lunged for the boy holding her purse again but immediately noticed something amiss with her dress and realized that while she was in the arm lock the boy holding her had untied the knot that held together the front of the dress. She held the material in place, trying to avoid exposing herself as she fumbled with the knot to try and secure it again.

As the boys taunted her with her bag, trying to lure her closer a pair of muscular arms suddenly grabbed their heads from behind and pushed them together, hard, and they immediately crumpled to the ground. Tegan hadn’t noticed the man coming but he’d stepped out from an alcove in the side of the laneway that she surmised must have a doorway into the building. As Tegan secured the knot of her dress and adjusted the straps to make sure her chest was properly covered again she looked warily at the powerfully built man who’d come to her rescue. He was dressed in dark grey sweatpants and a form-fitting underarmor shirt that accentuated his defined pecs and shoulders. He nudged one of the boys who was lying groaning on the floor, who seemed to be startled into alertness and grabbed his friend rousing him as well.

– Leave – The stranger commanded, making a fist with his right hand and cracking his knuckles. The boys struggled unsteadily to their feet and bolted. The stranger watched them depart before stopping to collect Tegan’s purse, rehooking the strap and handing it back to Tegan.
– Are you ok?
– Yes – Tegan took back her purse and slipped it onto her shoulder. She realized her hands were shaking.
– I’m not sure. – The man glanced back over his shoulder to make sure the boys hadn’t returned, then looked back to Tegan. “You’re not hurt?
– No – she took a deep breath then sagged with relief. – Thank you so much. I… I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up.
– I’m just glad I was in the storeroom getting some equipment when I heard the commotion. I’m a trainer at the gym here – He gestured with a slight tilt of his head to indicate the building that framed the laneway.
– Of course you are – Tegan thought as her eyes scanned his broad shoulders and the cut of his biceps.
– You sure you’re going to be ok?
– I think so – She did a cursory check of her bag. – I’d hate having to explain to my roommates that I lost the grocery money – What a weird thing to focus on. She took a couple more of deep breaths then realized she was on the verge of tears. The man seemed to pick up on this and rested a comforting hand on her arm.
– Do you want to come inside and sit down for a bit?

showing tits and pussy i public

Tegan nodded, wiping at her eyes. The truth was she knew exactly what would have happened had this man not intervened and didn’t know she could feel so unsafe in her own neighborhood. She took his arm and leaned against him as he led her through the doorway into the storeroom of the gym. This also appeared to double as a breakroom as there was a table and some chairs along with a fridge and vending machine on one side of the room, with piles of gym mats and weights on the other. She was led to a chair and took a seat while the man got her a bottle of water from the machine, handing it over. She took a few sips then set the bottle down. Neither of them said anything for a minute.

– That could have been really bad – Tegan finally admitted out loud.
– Possibly – The man agreed. – I’d like to think otherwise but who knows with little thugs like that.
– I don’t know how to repay you – Tegan took another sip of water and looked up at him.
– Don’t worry about it. My privilege to teach those snots a lesson. I’ll make sure the other trainers keep an eye out for them too. – Tegan gave a tight smile and got to her feet.
– Well… thanks again. I should probably get on with my shopping.
– Sure – The man smiled warmly. – Don’t hesitate to visit though. I also teach a judo class if you’re interested in self-defense.
– I’ll… keep that in mind.
– I’m sorry, that might have been a bit insensitive.
– No, really, it’s ok. I’ll think about it. – The man just nodded, holding the door open and Tegan started to step outside, then turned and looked up at him.
– Actually… do you have a condom?

Two minutes later they were fucking…

As traumatic as the situation had been, Tegan had been on edge all day and right now her hormones were running wild. It certainly didn’t hurt that her rescuer was a tall handsome musclebound personal trainer and judo instructor, and she felt her heart pumping for reasons other than stress. She knew she just wanted an outlet for the stressful situation and was worried he’d be too gentlemanly to accept, but something in the smoldering look she gave him convinced him to take it at face value.

He produced a short strip of condoms from a backpack hanging on a hook next to the door and tore one off as Tegan slipped her hand down the front of his sweatpants and grabbed his rapidly swelling cock. She was on birth control but didn’t know enough about this guy to trust that he was completely free of any infections. He walked her backwards he fumbled with the knot in her neck strap to expose her tits then grabbed her by the hips and sat her on a stack of gym mats, leaning forward to give some attention to her nipples, sucking them until they became hard little nubs.

He ran his hands down to her waist then back up, massaging her small breasts with his hands. Tegan for her part released his cock from her pants and ran her fingers, hand over hand, from the base to the tip to massage him to full hardness. The man looked into her eyes and she stared back. They reached an unspoken understanding that no foreplay was going to be necessary. He tore open the condom wrapper and rolled it on. Tegan glanced down and noticed that it was, even encased in latex, the biggest one she’d ever seen. He was both thicker than Angus and longer than Brandon, like a balance of both but scaled up by about 20%. She let out a pre-emptive moan as she imagined that thing trying to fit inside her.

sucking his cock while he's holding her head

The man pulled her to the edge of the mat and slid his hands under her skirt and up her thighs, his fingers apparently hunting for the underwear he assumed she was wearing but once he didn’t find he didn’t skip a beat. He bunched up the skirt to expose her pussy then nestled himself between her thighs as she eagerly spread her legs for him and hooked her ankles behind his back.

They locked eyes again as he sank into her in one smooth stroke. Tegan arched her back and threw her head bank as he sank into her, pulling him close with her legs as she let out a gasp of pleasure, his huge member stretching her open. Suddenly she remembered that she wasn’t supposed to have an orgasm today and somehow she doubted that Angus counted the judo instructor among “the lads”. Well, she’d do her best, but if this guy fucked as good as he looked she might not have a choice.

After giving her a moment to adjust to the cock filling out her tight hole, he began to slowly thrust. She knew she must be dripping wet and tried to stay relaxed as he slid in and out. The pressure inside her was immense. She wondered if he could feel the plug lodged in her asshole, if that might things even tighter for him. If he noticed anything, would he even guess what it was? She realized this had to be number one on the list of sluttiest things she’d done – sure she’d had a lot of sex in the last few days but at least that had been with guys she’d known longer than ten minutes, and not while she walked around in public with no underwear and a steel butt-plug up her ass. Plus, she realized, there was absolutely no reason someone couldn’t walk in here at any moment and she hoped that none of his coworkers suddenly decided they needed a drink.

She leaned back on her elbows and lifted her hips a little to give him easier access and a better look at her little tits dancing on her chest as he began to pick up the pace. She panted heavily as he pounded her pussy, her toes curling as she tried to fight off any urge to give into her orgasm. She normally didn’t have to concentrate very hard to let it happen but fighting off an involuntary one was a lot trickier. For his part, he seemed intent on just fucking her, using her as a cock sleeve to get himself off as quickly as possible. With a cock that size and apparently plenty of stamina he was probably used to pleasing most women without much difficulty.

– Oh fuck… oh yes… – Tegan moaned between breaths, like some kind of mantra. She felt like she was going to explode if she didn’t come, but in a perverse way she almost took it like a personal challenge, like an endurance test. She could tell he was probably not going to last too much longer and started to egg him on between her moans of pleasure. – Fuck yes… fuck me… harder… – she threw her arms around his neck and lifted herself up as he gripped her hips and started driving himself deeper, practically wearing her petite body as she bounced against his crotch, his powerful shaft stabbing up into her guts. She felt a twinge of pain as he rebounded off her cervix and let out a strangled whimper that he probably took as more encouragement. Tegan didn’t mind. It hurt, but in a satisfying kind of way, and seemed to help her hold her orgasm at bay.

Then almost as suddenly as it began, it was over. He let out a series of grunts and groans, the muscles in his neck straining as he began to go weak at the knees and rested her back on the gym mats again. He humped her a couple more times then drove himself deep and held himself there, letting out a sigh of relief as she felt his dick pulse inside her, the telltale pressure of his spunk filling the end of the condom nestled up against her cervix, making her shiver.

fucking from behind in the standing position

Tegan lay there panting, her chest rising and falling as the man bent at the waist and lay across her. He kissed the side of her neck and nuzzled her a little before reaching down to grip the base of the condom and reluctantly withdraw from her. She felt every agonizing inch of him sliding out, her hungry hole unwilling to let him go. She had just barely managed to hold off her orgasm but even now she seemed balanced right on the edge, like a stiff breeze could send her into ecstatic convulsions.

She lay there for a minute catching her breath as he slipped off his condom and tied it off, disposing of it in the trash then retied the cord of his sweatpants. Tegan gingerly eased herself down from the mats and smoothed out her skirt. She couldn’t look at him right now, as she felt a strange blend of empowerment and shame. On one hand, she couldn’t believe she fucked a stranger in the back room of a gym after she just met him. On the other hand, she now knew she could seduce a man within minutes of meeting him, something she’d never even dreamed of doing. But why shouldn’t she? She was young and free. It’s not like she was cheating on anyone – she never said she wouldn’t be fucking other guys, it’s not like she stopped her housemates from dating other girls if they wanted. And now she was just going to leave. No awkward chit chat. She resolved that there would be no awkward chit chat as she again recovered her chest with the straps of her dress and tied a more secure knot.

– Well… that was something. I’d better go get my shopping done – She picked up her purse again, along with the bottle of water and took a big swig.
– I’m Trevor by the way – He offered his hand. Tegan finally made eye contact with him again, putting on a bright smile.
– Violet – Tegan lied.
– Can I see you again, Violet?
– I’m… kind of seeing someone – Three someone’s – she thought.
– That’s a shame. Well, you know where to find me if you wanted to think about those judo lessons.
– I’ll think about it – Tegan nodded and pushed open the door to the laneway, stepping outside with a bounce in her step.

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