[en] [while-driving] Tammy Gave Him a Head on the Road


Kevin drove home in silence, his girlfriend beside him chattering away. He wished she’d just shut up for five minutes, but he nodded politely at each pause as if he were actually listening to the avalanche of useless information spewing from her mouth. He and Tammy had been going out for nearly three months, he had met her parents and she had met his. All in all, everything was going quite nicely, Tammy taught ballet and possessed the most wonderfully flexible body he had ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

He had to admit their sex life was never going to be boring; Tammy was always full of surprises. The only drawback had reared its ugly head one month into their relationship, when Kevin had realized that Tammy was like an useless information sponge.

Turning to look at her he caught her questioning gaze. Tammy must have been asking him something, but he had completely missed it. He shot her a puzzled frown and she tilted her head:
– Are you alright? You seem like you’re in another world, I asked if you had given any more thought to us moving in together? – She told him leaning forward to touch his cheek softly. – Kevin relaxed his clenched jaw and shook his head:
– I’m sorry love, it’s just this damn headache back again. – He had been experiencing them more and more frequently, although they had only seemed to appear around the time Tammy had started to pressure him into moving in together. Tammy gave him one of her sympathetic pouty looks:
– Poor darling, here, let me see if I can fix it for you – she said with a seductive smile as she slid her hand into his lap and unzipped his pants.

handjob in the car, while driving

Her fingers felt cool against the hot sweaty skin of his cock, which automatically started to puff up as she handled it, gently pulling it free from his pants and under shorts. Kevin kept his eyes on the road, but a small smile had started to curve the corner of his mouth, sex was her remedy for everything, and he had to admit most times it worked like a treat.

Her mouth was soft and warm as it slid over the head of his cock her slippery tongue moving in slow circles, working against the sensitive skin until it stood erect and throbbed for further attention. The headache was the furthest thing from his mind when Tammy took his whole length down into her throat, pretty blond head bobbing up and down in his lap. Kevin moaned as his knuckles went white from gripping the steering wheel, his toes curling slightly in his shoes making him press the accelerator a little harder than necessary.

Tammy’s mouth pressed firmly around his shaft, her teeth lightly grazing the length of him as she pumped his cock in and out of her mouth. Kevin could feel the increase of pace as she felt him swell and stiffen, her swallowing motion as she pressed him down her throat bringing him ever closer to that precious release.

Just as they slowed to stop at a red-light intersection his cock exploded!

Tammy made a small choking sound as she always did, then managed somehow to swallow most of his ejaculation with loud gulps. Lifting her head she gave him a cute little cum covered smile before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. The guy in the next car got the surprise of his life to see Tammy emerge from the general region of Kevin’s crutch, he rolled his eyes in jealousy and banged his head on his steering wheel.

[en] [while-driving] Tammy Gave Him a Head on the Road

Tammy saw all this and flushed a delightful shade of red, her eyes sparkling as she giggled like a naughty schoolgirl. The lights changed and they sped off into the darkness, Kevin’s cock still a rampant flagpole in his lap. Tammy looked down at it and giggled again:
– Oh dear, I think it still needs a little more attention – and Kevin wasn’t going to complain at this point. The evening had turned out to be 100% better than it had started out, so he kept driving with a smile on his face expecting Tammy to once again settle her pretty head in his lap and suck him to yet another delicious climax.

Kevin glanced at Tammy out of the corner of his eye as she shuffled around in her seat, it seemed as if she were removing her panties, but he couldn’t be sure. His apprehension was well founded when without warning Tammy began sliding her petite little ballerina body into Kevin’s lap, her arms around his neck as she straddled him. Looking over her shoulder trying to keep his eye on the road, Kevin couldn’t believe what she was trying to do.
– Tammy! You can’t do that, I’m trying to drive here – he blustered as he tried to keep the vehicle from swerving off the road. Although a caught a little by surprise, Kevin’s cock was practically at the point of exploding with excitement again at the thought of having Tammy sitting in his lap and riding him while he was driving. Tammy kissed his cheek softly:
– Shhhhhh, leave everything to me, just drive – she soothed at the same time guiding his throbbing member into her excited pussy. As Tammy slid him inside her lovely tight hole, Kevin knew by the feel of her she was getting just as much of a rush as he was. Tammy worked her pelvis up and down his shaft, rocking and rolling her hips as she did so, the feeling was indescribable for Kevin, his knuckles once again turning white as he clenched the steering wheel.
– Oh god Tammy! – he groaned as she began fucking him faster, pumping herself up and down his shaft with rapid little thrusts.

Tammy was clinging to his shoulders, her soft breath fanning the sensitive skin of his neck as she panted and moaned with her own pleasure. Kevin was finding it awfully hard to concentrate on the road, and his accelerator foot just couldn’t seem to keep up an even speed. He had contemplated pulling off the road, grabbing Tammy and giving her the one, two, three on the bonnet of the car, but he was so close now and he really didn’t want to spoil the moment.

riding cock in the car

Kevin’s hips strained up from the seat, driving his cock deeper as Tammy came down on top of him, they both moaned as his already engorged member started to thicken and pulse towards imminent release. Tammy made a little forward tilting motion with her hips, which pushed him against the front inner wall of her pussy, it always drove him crazy and she loved the control it gave her.

Pumping him in this fashion Tammy clamped her inner muscles down on his shaft each time she reached it’s base, then she made a small rolling motion with her hips before rising again.
– Oh Yeah! – cried Kevin as his cock throbbed and pulsed it’s load out inside her, his release even more pleasurable the second time round. Tammy’s sighs and quivering frame signaled her own climax, her body going limp in his lap for a few moments as her pussy went through a series of clamping motions around his shaft. Tammy clung to him as he continued driving, his cock resting comfortably within the stormy depths of her pussy. Her head rested on his shoulder and he kissed her sweet scented hair as it lay against his cheek, she was always doing something to surprise him and this wasn’t the first time she had caught him totally off guard.

Sliding off his lap she wriggled back into her seat and straightened her skirt then proceeded to put his rapidly deflating member back into his pants. She smiled up at him wickedly and with a sweet innocent voice:
– Well honey, how’s that headache now? – Kevin glanced at her than back to the road ahead:
– You know I had completely forgotten about that for some reason, no sign of it at all now, but I think it might return later tonight – he chuckled and shot her a suggestive wink. Tammy giggled and snuggled against his shoulder:
– Well I’ll be there to sort it out, never you mind about that, but we really should move in together to be on the safe side, I mean we wouldn’t want you having one of your headaches without me around to fix it would we? – Kevin and Tammy laughed together, for once he had to agree with her logic and perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad having her around all the time after all.

[en] [while-driving] Tammy Gave Him a Head on the Road

Kevin glanced sideways again at his little ballerina:
– Why don’t you move into my place for a while before we go looking for somewhere else, give us time to get used to living together before we commit to a place of our own. – Tammy squealed with excitement:
– I thought you’d never ask! Don’t worry about a thing honey, I’ve already sorted out where all my stuff can go and we don’ t even have to get rid of any of your stuff! – For some reason Kevin felt as if he should have been quite happy at her comment, but for some reason he felt a little unsettled
– Great, well we can move you in on the weekend. – Tammy kissed him firmly on the cheek then nibbled his earlobe, her smile stretched from ear to ear. Kevin was sure he could put up with a little prattling, after all he hadn’t met anyone else who could maintain the multitude of difficult positions during sex and certainly never someone who demanded it as consistently as Tammy.

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