[en] [cousin] I Don’t Want Your Fingers, I Want Your Cock!


It had been a few months or so after my cousin Bonnie and I had ended our incestual affair. Being broken-hearted and saddened by the way, we were forced to break up. I couldn’t help but to feel an emptiness in my heart from who I had thought was the right one. The way Bonnie cried that day in my arms when we discovered we were related, continued to wake me from my sleep. I couldn’t tell anyone, my parents, or my friends why I was so sad and lonely.

Bonnie and I fell in love that first night we laid there on the beach and discovered we were both made for each other. Our interests, likes, even goals in life made it seem like it was meant to be, not to mention how great the sex was.

I couldn’t go to certain places anymore because it would bring back images of Bonnie having orgasms as she sat there on my cock. How we both would get crazy and fuck when the urge hit us and it didn’t matter where we were. That summer with Bonnie brought out the voyeur in both of us by fucking in my car in the school parking lot. Late nights getting a blowjob from her before I dropped her off at Nancy’s house. I would wake up at night thinking how Bonnie used to wake me up by trying to get my cock inside her. The look on her face the first time she had managed to get my big cock completely inside her young pussy. No matter how much I tried, I was not able to get her off my mind.

I went to my cousin Mike’s party one night just to try to get Bonnie off my mind. But unfortunately, Bonnie turned up there too, and she wasn’t alone. I stood back in the shadows hoping she wouldn’t see me watching her and for the longest time she didn’t. The boy she was with looked happy like he had just won a big prize, holding on to Bonnie as he talked and laughed with others. Bonnie, on the other hand, showed no sign that she was happy. Her smile that was so pretty was not there and the sparkle in her eyes was gone when she looked at him or others. It was plain to see she wasn’t happy either she was not the same Bonnie that I once had. She was still beautiful to me and it hurt me to see her sad I couldn’t stay there any longer and had to leave.

As I tried to walk through the crowd not wanting her to see me, I could sense I was being watched. Every time I stopped, I could see Bonnie trying to move away from her date only being pulled back against him. As I finally made it to the door, I took one last look and our eyes met and she pushed him away from her. I walked out and yes, I had tears in my eyes as I went to my van and sat down. I don’t know why I even came here – I said to myself trying to decide what to do next.

The next thing I knew, my passenger side door opened and Bonnie jumped in.

– Drive – she said – just go.

girl in the front seat rubbing her pussy

I didn’t know where I was going, I just started driving. We didn’t say anything or even know how long I had driven until the road ended and had to stop. When I shut the van off and looked at the passenger seat, Bonnie was gone. I didn’t even see Bonnie leave her seat and go to the back of the van.

I felt like it was a dream I was in…

Then I heard crying and turned around seeing her laying on the bed sobbing. I went back and climbed up next to her trying to hold back my tears as I put my arms on her, Bonnie turned and snuggled against me and cried not saying a word for minutes.

– Shit – she said finally – shit – she said in rapid sequence then with a laugh: – do you have any weed? – We both laughed, then she gave me a kiss. – Shit, why does it hurt so much? – she said. I put my hand on her face and wiped the tears from her face and her smile reappeared. Even though this was supposed to be a sad situation I felt happier than I had in weeks with her in my arms.
– Love hurts – I said – I wish that I would have known we were cousins before I fell in love with you. I don’t like seeing you hurt like this, or hurting so much myself. – I gave her a kiss.
– There hasn’t been a day I haven’t thought about you or a night you were not in my dreams. Why do we have to stop being with each other? – Bonnie said. – Shit why can’t we just go back?
– We need to leave this spot. I know another where we can go and be alone if you want too – I said.
– Go – she said. I got back into the driver’s seat now with an idea where we could be alone. – What about your boyfriend? – I asked as Bonnie moved up beside me. – Won’t he worry if you are gone?
– He isn’t my boyfriend, he was just a date – she said – and a dorky one too. – I laughed;
– Well, he looked really attached to you – I said as I pulled into my dad’s old gravel pit. I drove way back near the woods and turned the engine off. Everything was silent the only light was the moon that showed through the trees. I turned in my seat looking at Bonnie: – Now what? – I said and held her hand. – What are we going to do, where is this going, is the pain of not having you ever going to go away? – I said. Bonnie stood up:
– I know where I am going, I am going to the back. What are we going to do? We are going to have sex – she said – and the pain. Shit I am not going to worry about that now.

She dragged me back into the back and started kissing me as I lowered her down on the bed

Her hands were wrapped around my neck while her tongue dipped deep in my mouth. I was in between her spread legs as they crossed around holding me tight. Soon we were embraced in the heat of passion as I dry humped her taking only breaths between the kisses.

All thoughts of Bonnie being my cousin disappeared when I slid my hand up under her shirt feeling her tiny nipples. She released her grip from my neck allowing me to lift up her shirt exposing small breasts.

licking her pussy and fucking her with tongue

– Oh Bon, I have so missed you – I said looking down seeing a smile upon her face. That smile that had haunted me in my sleep, her dark eyes were sparkling as I have seen before. It was this look that had me fall in love with her from the first time we met.

In my mind at this time this was not my cousin, this beautiful girl was one I have had many sexual moments with before. Her moans again were moans I had heard before between her begging me to fuck her harder. I gave her another deep kiss before lowering my mouth down to suck on her hard nipples. She had released her legs that were wrapped around me. Now they we’re helping her push her hips up tighter against my hard cock. Her hands were running through my hair moving my head from one nipple to the other.

As I started to kiss lower down her chest her hands moved to the side of my face. Our eyes were locked on one another smiling as my hand moved down on her jeans. I kissed her navel while undoing the snap, unzipping her jeans while still staring into her eyes. Bonnie lifted her hips allowing me to slide her jeans down exposing her bare pussy. When I kissed her clit, I heard her moan and take a deep breath and say:
– Shit, I have missed this.

Her hands were on my head as I began licking up and down her slit with my tongue dipping between her soft lips. Her warm juices were beginning to seep down and out of her tiny hole increasing the longer I licked at them. When I felt a sudden surge of warm juices, I looked up seeing her eyes closed and her mouth open gasping for air. She was cumming – I thought, then started sucking hard on her hole causing her hips to press up tight against my mouth. Finally, I felt her relax the grip she had on my head and her hips against my mouth I looked up again seeing her smile. After a couple of licks up between the folds of her pussy I backed away drawing her jeans off.

– Shit, you are awesome – she said sitting up kissing me, then jerked when I slid a finger up inside her. – I don’t want your fingers, I want your cock – she said, then reached for my pants.

I got up on my knees and unzipped them with help from her hands pulling them down. As she leaned forward I gathered her long hair into a tail behind her watching her head move lower. Soon after feeling her warm mouth on my hard cock and her tongue encircling the head.

For the many times Bonnie has sucked my cock each blow job is better than the last. Each time she works hard to get me deeper into her mouth. She has learned to sense when I am getting close to cumming, and will stop if it is too soon. As always Bonnie looks up at me and winks as she sucks on my head as she plays with my balls.

– I love this cock – she said, then licked up and down the sides of my shaft then back down jerking it as she sucks.

licking the cock, close-up

I have learned when she can’t suck much longer and her jaw begins to hurt she would just stop and look up at me. Tonight she has put a lot more effort in pleasing me and I knew what she wanted. I let her lay back down then kissed her as my cock jabbed at her wet pussy. She again had her hands around my neck as her hips moved her bare pussy against my shaft.

– Fuck me – she whispered in my ear as I kissed and sucked on her neck. As I could feel the heat emitting from her pussy against my shaft she kept saying “fuck me”.

My cock slipped easily inside her slick lips and I slowly pushed until I hit bottom

Then the word cousin shook me back from my lust for her and I pulled back:
– We can’t – I said. Bonnie reached down and grabbed my cock rubbing it against her pussy.
– I want you to fuck me, I want to feel you inside of me – she said staring into my eyes.
– I don’t have a condom, you could get pregnant, I want to – I said – I want to so bad but I can’t fuck you without a condom.
– Shit – she said then stroked my cock along on her pussy lips as she leaned against my chest. – Shit – she said several more times as she watched my cock leaving trails of pre-cum above her clit.
– If I was to put myself in you right now I would cum quick – I said – and I don’t want to cum in you. – I wrapped my arms around her holding her close to my chest. – I have been wanting to fuck you again so bad for the last several months – I said. – But each time the word cousin runs through my mind, I can’t get my cousin pregnant – I said to her. – I didn’t think I would get this close to you again or anyone, so I didn’t need a condom. Bonnie released my cock and laid back taking my hand and drawing me down beside her.
– You are right – she said – even though I am on the pill, it could still happen – then kissed me. Bonnie was again holding my cock as she looked into my eyes: – You’re close aren’t you.
– I haven’t even jerked off since the last time I seen you – I said – I had no interest in sex. Don and Nancy even tried to find someone for me when I had to tell them we broke up. – Bonnie kissed me:
– My friend Amy tried to get me over you – she said – she even brought a couple of her old male friends for me to date. When they kissed me it wasn’t the same, when they tried to touch me, I would stop them. They were not you they didn’t get me aroused like you do I had no interest in having sex with them. That boy you seen me with tonight had been the first to do me – she said – even then he wasn’t you. I had to get high just to give him a blowjob and you know how I like sex when I am high. His cock wasn’t big or thick as yours and he would cum fast and that was it, then just take me home. It is sad – she said – when I’ve seen you tonight, I knew I needed you. I got tingly all over and my pussy started getting wet – she said then gave me a kiss.

cock is rubbing pussy, delaying penetration

I rubbed her face:
– I am so sorry I ruined you, we need some how to move on – I said.

Bonnie didn’t say a word going down again sucking on my cock. She quickly started stroking and sucking me harder. I knew she wanted me to cum. I closed my eyes enjoying what might be the last time I would be getting a blowjob from her.

– Cum for me – she said. She knew I was on the edge and placed her mouth back on me. I couldn’t hold off and started cumming hard as she swallowed and kept swallowing until I was done. She then laid her head down on my groin kissing and still holding onto my cock:
– You didn’t ruin me – she said. – You showed me what love is, and how it can hurt when it is gone. You made me realize how I have to be careful and not jump for the first guy I meet. Bonnie rolled over on her belly and put her chin on my chest: – You didn’t ruined me. You made me think that I have to be more cautious and not get pregnant. You showed me that love is more than just having sex, thank you.
– I want to have children myself someday – I said to her – I want to get married and raise a family. I will always love you and hope you will find the same thing in life that I want.
– I wish it was different and we were not related, we can’t continue this way. We can’t get married, we can’t have children, we cannot show our love for one another around our family. But we can still be friends right – Bonnie said, then moving up giving me a kiss – only friends with some benefits.

We laid there and talked about and decided when the next time we should meet. She told me she also might have some friends that would be interested in me. We kissed and held each other until she finally asked me to take her home. She told me not to stop looking for the right one.

– You are a beautiful person and will make someone very happy someday. – Before she got out on my van she gave me another kiss – and next time bring a condom or two cause you are going to fuck me – she giggled as she stepped out.

cum all over her mouth and face

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